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Company supported by the Norte 2020 and Portugal 2020 projects - Project No. 2488


Project Title | Naughty Kid - Opening to a New Future
Project code | NORTH-02-0752-FEDER-002488

Main objective| Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs

Intervention region | NORTH

Beneficiary entity | NAUGHTY KID - CONFECTIONS, LDA.


Approval date | 12-11-2015

Start date | 08-06-2015
Completion date | 31-08-2017

Total eligible cost | 415.909,69 €

European Union financial support | ERDF - €187.159,36


 This project embodies Naughty Kid's Internationalization strategy, with the company having defined the following strategic objectives:

- Improvement of different production processes and expansion of its production capacity;

- Offer of new products;

- Decrease in dependence on suppliers of products and components;

- Quality of associated products, eliminating errors and non-conformity of products, reducing delivery times and ensuring efficient assistance;

The company intends to explore new customers, in new markets (for example: Italy and Austria) with the positioning of a new offer and entry into new markets. For this, its strategy to achieve this goal involves:

- Knowledge of foreign markets in order to increase the company's knowledge of its target markets, through participation in fairs (Feira PITTIBIMBO and Feira FIMI);

- Presence on the web through the development of a specific platform for the Company;

- Prospecting actions to target markets;

- International Marketing, with the launch of a registered trademark and the hiring of a TOC/ROC;

- Training in human capital by hiring a new technician exclusively for the area of ​​foreign trade.


In conclusion, Naughty Kid aims to increase quality, flexibility, responsiveness and active presence in the global market through the growing internationalization of the company, in order to strengthen its orientation towards external demand.


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